
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Desert Wind Scarf CAL: Week #2

How is your scarf going? Did you find the perfect yarn? Let me know. I think cake yarn is so fun to work with. Because you never really know what you are going to get. Sometimes the color changes are quick. And sometimes...the color changes only occur 2 or 3 times in a skein.

To be 100% honest, I haven't started my scarf. I didn't have any yarn in my stash...that I liked for this project. And I never made it to the store this week. But we need some household stuff...so I'll be heading to Walmart today. Wish me luck! 

This week we are working on the decrease of the pattern. So do you understand what I meant last week? About if you are only using 1 skein, you can't work more than half? If you worked all your increases last week, the size your project is right now...will be the widest. Don't forget to tag us on your social media. #TwoCraftyHeartsCALs

About our next CAL. I would really like some input. Do you guys enjoy these shorter CALs? Or would you like a big project next? And what type of project are you thinking? Give me some ideas. 💕

Friday, February 21, 2020

What We Made #8

This week, I feel like I've been slacking. I feel like I've lost my CroJo. Part of it, has been my Mom's health issues...over the last 10 days or so. And part...because of this situation. That whole thing, actually got worse, when I read an email response this morning. Ugh! I'm just over it!

Another thing is, we don't always post our finished products. Because I'm trying to stash them away for an upcoming event. For example, I know have 15+ Market Bags. That I was saving for the DGM. I've been making 1 or 2 a week. About 2 months before Dia de los Muertos, I'll stash away our skull and marigold items. It just a thing that I do. So we have enough product for various events that we do. 

Oh, and I'm not sure if you know...I do pattern testing. For various independent designers. And sometimes, they don't want the product made public. So I have to hide out some of those projects...until they are ready to release their patterns. I completed a bunch of those type of projects...over the last 2 weeks. 

But those sorts of things...and repeat orders...mean I don't have many new pictures. And when I sit down to write these posts, I think...wow, you haven't made anything this week. What have you been doing?

Which isn't true. But it feels that way. For example. 2 weeks ago, I was working on our beanies. For a beanie swap. My Mom had gotten sick, so I also made hers. I probably should have shared them last week...but I didn't send them out until Saturday. So here they are. 

This is one of the beanies I made. With some goodies that I sent out. I probably should have taken a picture of just the hats...but I forgot! I used Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn for this one. And my swap buddy really liked it!

This beanie was made with Red Heart yarn. I still haven't heard from my swap buddy. And haven't gotten my hat. So I'm not sure.

My Mom has been under the weather. So I managed to make hers. And took this picture. So she could see what I made. I used some I Love This Yarn that she had picked out.

All three hats, are made with a new pattern. And I really like it! Gosh, I can't remember the name of it...or the designer. But I bought the pattern at the end of last year. On Ravelry. During all the sales.

Now I want to make a bunch of these. In all different colors. If I can remember correctly, there were a variety of sizes on this pattern. It's super comfy. And has a ton of space. In this picture, I had a messy bun hidden under the hat.

I had also been working on these guys. Actually 5 of the smaller guys. And this larger Yoda. I really like him. It was a lot more complicated. And I was super excited to deliver it. Which never happened...

My Mom got into the pattern testing game too. I think she was going a little crazy...being sick in bed. She actually reached out to the designer before she got sick. And when it came time to submit her work...she was sick.

But she had tested the pattern. And I gave her a few suggestions. Since I'm the one that usually makes the play food. I think the designer liked the modifications that I suggested...and my Mom made. We know have a dozen jam cookies! I think my Mom did great for her first test!

A couple of pictures up, I said how I had made some new Yodas. I had a lady reach out to me on FB. I made the one I always make, and then tried this bigger guy. Because she needed the Yoda to both have legs...and clothes. The baby Yodas that I make, have legs. But just a diaper. And my usuals, have a robe...but no legs.

So I did some searching. And modifying to another pattern. And came up with this guy. I happened to post it on FB and got another order. So I whipped another one up. Let's stop here a minute...he actually takes a while to make. I can make about 3 of the ones in the tan robe...in a day. This guy took a solid day. And I was stressed.

Not because of my skill level. More because of the time. It was a rush order. And then I NEVER heard back from the person when I was done! I know. Sometimes I want to shot myself in the foot.

I'm also charging almost double the price for this bigger guy. Remember I said my Mom had been under the weather? Well, things got a little nuts. And when I reached out to everyone...I was stuck with both big Yodas. And about 4 of the ones in the tan robes. On a positive note...the 2 ladies who I delivered to yesterday, we're all so excited!

What are you going to do? I mean, I understand if you changed your mind. But a few of the people...acted like I was selling them for $2. And then hit them with the price. I'm just going to add them to our stash. I'm sure I'll sell them to someone else.

This last picture, was a very last minute order. Sort of. I made it over a month ago. And kind of lost contact with the lady who was buying them. She's from the East Coast. And wasn't actually here. But I was supposed to deliver them to her son. I kind of never heard back from her. So I took them to our last Craft Show. And sold them!

Then I thought better of it. Just had a feeling, and I remade them last night. Along with that baby Yoda. For another customer. To be honest, I had about 5 baby Yodas. That all need to be delivered today. It was a busy day yesterday!

FB Marketplace is great to sell stuff. But just like the bigger Yodas...things happen. I've had a ton of orders. Some people who took a little longer to decide to pick them up. Some that ghosted me. But for the most part 80% of my FB customers have been amazing!

Running around town...not so much. And the people who decide to not answer when their orders are ready, are also tough. I have about 6 hats. Just waiting for someone to claim them. But I think it comes with the territory. I've met some amazing people doing this. And I'll continue to do it. Because eventually, I'll sell these items. 

So there's our week. In stuff that we made. With a few test items, waiting for the designers to give the go ahead. But I'm just not motivated to make stuff. I know I need to get my CroJo back. But to be honest, I've felt this way for a few weeks now. I just need to work on a project for me. Something I'm super excited about! ðŸ’•

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Behind the Scenes: Part 2

So guys, all these things I told you yesterday...still upset me. But in some ways, maybe this is a push to start something bigger.

I really do enjoy vending at the DGM and the RYM. But if it's a hostile place...maybe it's time to move on. I know we still have a few weeks to find out if we're RYM vendors...my hopes are not too high. I'm just being honest here. It's basically the same people, who jury both Markets.

For all our amazing customers who reached out...Thank You! I'm not sure what you can do. Last year we were "wait listed" at both Markets. At the DGM, after about a month...we sold weekly. The entire season at the RYM...I think we sold 2 or 3 times. So who knows.

Last year when we weren't scheduled...I had tons of customers emailing, calling, and texting me. Guys, it's not me. It's not my decision. And like I said last year...you have to ask the Market staff. Because I don't know. They don't really tell us anything.

You guys are the customers. And you have to be the ones, speaking up. This is your Market. And without you...the Markets are nothing. But a bunch of vendors. If there are vendors that you'd like to see...speak up. I'm not the only vendor in this position.

There was so much more to add yesterday. Like those people who kept turning us in...they'd come and take pictures of all of our items. I'd see them taking notes of our products. Guys, it takes a lot to build a business. And an inventory like we have. I research online. I buy patterns and books. I do testing for designers. I design my own products. The kids give me ideas...that I have to make come to life. Most of all, we work 7 days a week!

So it's pretty heart crushing to know, there are fellow crafters out there, trying to take your business down. Market life is not easy. There's a lot of work that goes into it. You see me on FB and Insta...promoting the Markets. I try and highlight other vendors. I want to help build up everyone's business. Not tear it apart.

And sometimes I think people who haven't done this, have no clue how much work is required. I HATE that other vendors were essentially "stealing" my Mom's ideas. And by the end of the season, there were a number of people making the same items. Guys, we all have great ideas! Don't go stealing other people's ideas.

What's in our future? I'm not a 100% sure yet. I'd love to say, there was a great mistake made. And we'll be selling this year. Because it is 95% of the fundraising that we do for our foundation. But I don't know. I've sold at other Markets. In other cities. Maybe this summer, I'll try that again. For the last 3 months, I've been selling on Facebook. So anything is a possibility!

But I'm really not sure. We'll continue to make things. Maybe for a few months, I'll concentrate on things that I enjoy making. Because when you get stuck in the Market Schedule...for months and months...I'd find myself making items that didn't completely bring me joy. But I did it, because they were what sold.

I'm just glad this happened now. I was about to invest in some signage, new business cards, and new equipment. We're in the middle of a rebrand of sorts. Like a new tent, chairs, and shelving. We were going to do things different this year. Glad I hadn't quite made that investment.

Lastly, to our customers, Thank You! For everything. We're still here. If you need anything. I'm ALWAYS here if you want to order anything. I can meet you around town. Thank You for your wonderful smiles. And your great support. You guys, are honestly the reason we kept going. ðŸ’•

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Behind the Scenes: Part 1

Behind the Scenes so much goes on. Behind every business, it's the same. My parents owned a business for 45 years. I worked for a friend, who also owned his own business. So much goes on. And rarely, do you let the outside...in.

But today I am. Partly because I feel like our customers deserve an explanation. Partly because I'm sad. Partly because I'm upset. We were declined as DGM vendors today. No explanation. I tried to email with the management. Y'all we've been doing this for over 5 years! In fact, our little business is about to turn 20! I got nothing.

I wouldn't be so sad, if it wasn't for our customers. Guys when I say we have the BEST customers, I mean it! They're so supportive, encouraging, and fun to be around. The kiddos are the absolute BEST! They give me all my best ideas. I enjoy sitting on the ground, to play. We just have a great time. Every Saturday morning, I have a group of kiddos who come to visit me. I love watching the little babies...grow into kiddos. It's just a fun place to be.

And honestly, that is what the DGM was. A fun time. For 7 months out of the year, we got to hangout with friends. Friends that we met at the Market. Friends that we invited to the Market. Vendor friends.

About 2 years ago...things started to really change. Farmers started to be very disrespectful. There is a certain way the Market is run. Times when you can park and unload. On purpose farmers would go early. Park in our way, throw our stuff, and berate us. No one took us seriously. I mentioned this quite a few times to management...who told me they'd handle it.

Then we got "wait listed." I would probably have to say, because we spoke up. And every week, we were moved to a different location. Basically for 2 years, we'd have to email with the DGM team. They'd set us up. And we'd usually get scheduled about a month at a time. It wasn't horrible for us. But made it tough on our customers. The issues with the farmers got worse. Then we started having people report us. For not making our items. WHAT?!?!?!

That's all we do. My Mom is sick. With cancer. For weeks, we don't leave home unless it's for a doctor's appointment. Or I'm running out to pickup groceries. Crochet is our outlet. So to hear this, was very upsetting. Especially since, 95% of the time, we're crocheting at the DGM.

But we let it go. And we'd just sit and watch things at the Market. This is what upsets me. We have friends who are farmers. We vend next to farmers. We've helped farmers at their stands. Not everyone is bad. But I can tell you, for a Market that is ALWAYS trying to do things by the rules...they don't.

The dark side of the Market is...not everything is a OK. They have favorites. And openly show it. The rest of us...just have to deal. Farmers pay $5 a week. I think recently, in the last year or so, it went up to $10. Do you know they make thousands of dollars a week? I'm not lying! On a slow day at the Market, one of the smaller farmers who we vend next to, makes $8,000. In 4 hours! And they don't report all their sales...

Like I said, we've worked at those stands, we vend next to those stands, we see what happens. How is that fair to a Craft Business who has to pay $35 a week? They claim to be organic. I'm not saying every stand does this...but lots of them buy their produce else where. And resell. Whether it's other farmers...or the local big box store. Ever wonder why a certain farmer has perfect tomatoes in November? Just think about it...

You also have the prepared food stands and ready to eat foods. They pay $20 a week. Don't tell me that the bakery isn't making money. And they pay less than a crafter? It shocked me...that many vendors didn't know this. How?

Then you have vendors who don't show up. Or they're chronically 2 hours late. Or they leave early...because it's a slow day. There are vendors who don't report sales. Or those who work the system to chronically pay late. They park in customer parking. Show up on days they haven't paid...and aren't scheduled. But find a place to squeeze into. And the management turns a blind eye.

I've seen farmers refuse to accept DGM coins. That all of us have to accept. It's part of the rules that we sign before the season begins. And there are taco stands that accept WIC checks and SNAP coins. They clearly know they're not supposed to. Then you see them trading with farmers...who can accept them.

We all have to have a business license. Wait for it...except the Farmers. They're not required to. This year, all the vendors are required to have insurance. We're all supposed to not be using single use bags. You know what...people still do.

It shocks me, that I show up 3 hours before the Market opens. To set up on time. To make sure, I'm not in anyone's way. And I'm there, 2-3 hours after the Market closes. You know what, our management isn't. They're there to setup their stuff about an hour before. And leave almost as soon as the Market closes. In an area, that isn't the safest. How does that make you feel? I'm lucky to have friends...who are usually there as well. So I don't feel like I'll be robbed at any minute.

Then there is the way, that other vendors treat you. My Mom has been called an F#*!ing B*&$#^ more than once. By some of the most popular vendors and their staff. Why? Because she's walking too slow down the sidewalk. When? While the Market is on and she's shopping.

There have been vendors who push her. I had a guy try and throw some of our products in the trash. I've seen fights between vendors. Big fights. But no one ever says anything. That's upsetting.

So while, we're not going to be at the DGM this year...I'm not sure if I'll be applying in the future. As much as I enjoy interacting with our customers...the other stuff starts to tear you down. And I'm not sure I'm OK with that. Feeling unsafe and being treated a certain way. It's not the best way to run a business. Tomorrow I'll be back with some more. I need to talk to some of my vendor friends. ðŸ’•

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Desert Winds Scarf CAL: Week #1

I was a little  stumped about our next CAL. I didn't know what you guys wanted to make. If I should look for a big project...or something small. Should it be for kids. Maybe something festive.

So I took to Facebook. And overwhelmingly, I got a quick project. Something for Spring. Something that a beginner could make.

After a little digging, I found the Desert Winds Scarf. Guys I'm in love! And we'll have a cute scarf in 2 weeks!

Just grab the pattern. And 1 Caron Cake. Basically, you just need 315 yards of WW yarn. If you don't want to use a cake, you could grab some Red Heart SS, I Love This Yarn, or Mainstays Yarn.  Don't forget your H hook.

I think this would be perfect to wear in Spring. Or around the here...you could probably wear it now. Our weather is all over the place!

So for the first week, we are going to work the increase. It's basically repeating the same 2 rows. For whatever yarn you are going to use, don't go over half of what you have. The other half of the skein will be used to work the decrease. So if you decide you want a larger scarf, you will need more yarn. I can't wait to see what kind of yarn everyone chooses! ðŸ’•

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Quick & Simple Stripe Blanket CAL: Week #1

How are you guys doing this week? It's actually been a busy couple of weeks for us. For those of you that are new, my Mom has cancer. And in the Fall was hospitalized for a month. We found out she has a couple of health issues. And the last month or so...have been challenging. The last 2 weeks have been complicated.

But she's resting. And the temperatures have been so cold this week! We had a snowstorm on Thursday. So with cold weather, I'm ready to crawl up with a blanket project. Anyone else?

To be 100% honest, winter is the ONLY time I like working on blankets. Nothing is worse than getting an order, for a massive blanket in July. So I try to make as many as possible, in January and February.

I've made a few Daisy Cottage Designs patterns in the past. I LOVE the look of them. And the patterns are so easy to follow. So when I was looking for a blanket for our CAL...I knew I had to look around DCD.

I don't know if it's this picture, the colors, or the design...but I'm in love! I haven't picked out my yarn. But that is truly a great excuse to head to Hobby Lobby this week. Besides the fact, that I need to pick up an order there. It's such a pretty design. And I can't wait to start!

This week, we'll be working on rows 1-24. That's 2 repeats of the blanket. Don't forget to print off the pattern. I'm thinking this will be a 4 week project. Something to just sit and enjoy. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. ðŸ’•

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Charlie Hat CAL: Week #2

How did week #1 go? Can I be honest here...I've been drowning in our favorite green guys over here. But I got to work on my hat. And I'm feeling slightly better.

For week two...we're finishing up our hats. Working on the brim, sewing them up, and adding our pom. A little trick that I learned over the last few months...add a small button inside your hat. Then you can attach your pom. But when your hat needs to washed, you can quickly take the pom off.

Any questions for me? Let me know. And when you're down...tag #TwoCraftyHearts and #ACraftyConcept with your pics! Next week...we're working on a blanket! ðŸ’•

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Charlie Hat CAL: Week #1

Are you like me? Under the weather. Beat down from Winter Craft Shows. Ready to just sleep for a week, under the coziest blanket I can find?

I know. Quite dramatic. But I'm just tired. And sick. I may have lost my CroJo too! Whenever that happens, I always feel like a quick project fixes everything! That's were the Charlie Hat comes in.

This week, we will begin the first CAL of 2020. It's a quick one. A 2 week-er. Everyone ready? Got your yarn and poms ready? I'm still trying to decide what yarn I want to use. And I may have an excuse to go roam the aisles of JoAnn's...because they're new poms are AMAZING!

Head over to A Crafty Concept and get the pattern. We'll be working rows 1-23 this week. Beofre you know it, we're going to have a hat! Perfect for this cold weather. ðŸ’•

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why I Quit...

I feel like I owe you an explanation. About why I cancelled our remaining Crochet Classes. There are a few reasons...

I've taught crochet for many years. Mostly for free. When I was going to college. When I moved back to Albuquerque, I wanted to continue this. But it got all sorts of complicated. Like people wouldn't show up. So I started to charge a small fee. $10 a class.

And for 2 classes it went well. Granted I wasn't teaching a beginning class. The ladies who attended, knew how to crochet. They were just interested in a certain pattern. Or technique.

When I started charging for classes, I felt so guilty. But you know what? People started showing up. They took it more seriously. A friend of mine had told me...if people have to part with their money...they'll be there for the right reasons. And it worked.

Ladies were learning a new pattern. I got a little money. At least it paid for my gas. And at times, something to eat on the way home. During my last class, I even used some of that money...to buy little things. Like crochet hooks, a book, a bag...and we did a little drawing. It was a fun class.

One thing to note, I try and do my classes in the winter. When the Markets aren't going and we don't have Craft Shows. Then I'm not worried about making stock for our shop...or orders. I'm 100% in the class.

But I'd been having so many people ask me about a Beginning Crochet Class. It got to the point, that I was being asked 20+ times a day...at the Markets. So I said why not? I picked a Tuesday...but was open for Wednesday. Settled on a library not too far from me. But that was easily accessible from the freeway. And thought we were set.

My first class was amazing. Way more students than I thought. 16! The second...a rain storm hit. And many people couldn't make it. To be honest, just my cousin made it. We waited around for 10-15 minutes. And then decided to postpone a week. About 5 minutes after she left...I was printing out a few patterns...4 ladies showed up. We ended up doing a mini class.

Now the next part...is sorta my fault. But not really. My uncle got really sick. Ultimately, he passed away. And I missed 2 classes. I posted on FB. But I did miss. Last week, I posted that we'd have class on Wednesday. Because before all this postponing, cancelling, and rescheduling...we didn't have a class planned on this week. And I had other plans.

On Wednesday, I had none of my regular students. None! And as I was getting ready to leave...4 of the nicest ladies came in. We had class. And actually had the BEST time! Laughing, joking, learning. It was a good class.

Fast forward to Saturday. I had 2 ladies...from a previously class...come scream at me. Because after one class, they wanted to make mermaids, unicorns, and ninja turtles. They had attended ONE class. I had taught the Granny Square. Basically double crochet. Not amigurumi. Not how to make a doll. I NEVER promised that we'd get to that point.

They kept screaming. And I just couldn't handle them. They demanded I teach them these other things. That I just HAD to teach them. Right then and there. I explained to them, that I could teach them a private class. Or they could attend an upcoming class.

Because I had put up a series of classes, that I wanted to teach next. After Beginning Granny Square, I was taking 2 weeks off. Then teaching 4 weeks of Corner to Corner. I would take another 2 weeks off. Then teach a class on How to Make a Hat and Scarf. Then I was taking a serious break. And after the New Year, I was going to teach an Amigurumi Class. This was and still is going to be my ONLY Beginning Class. It's just too hard.

At this point, a friend of mine came by. And told these ladies they needed to leave. The ironic part, the night they took my class...they didn't have crochet hooks. So I let them each borrow one. Never got them back. But honestly it doesn't matter. And they NEVER paid me. Again, I'm cutting my loses.

So on Monday, I get a call from those 4 nice ladies. They won't be back. It just wasn't their thing. Totally OK. Crochet isn't for everyone. I know that. Then a group of elderly women...who had convinced me to go teach them across town. During the day. Quit on me too. Because they found someone to teach them for free. I mean we were 3 weeks in. Only one week left. But it's all good.

This was a lesson for me. I learned a few things.

1. Beginning classes aren't for me. I just can't. It's stressful. Not because of the teaching. But the inconsistency of the students. They're not 100% sure if they want to learn. They can't commit.

2. Don't accommodate the students. I mean, does a certain day/time/location work. That I'm OK with. But if someone wants me to go across town...let's pay up front. I know then...you'll be committed.

3. Beginning students have expectations, that far outweigh their skills. I had many students tell me, "By next week I'll be making toys." I had students go to our stand, and when they thought I couldn't hear, say, "I can make better things than this." I also had students who thought in a week's time, they'd be making 20 blankets. Let's take baby steps, before we run.

It is tough. I don't want to discourage anyone. If you try, you can make it. I promise. But I'm not sure about this teaching thing. It's the first time, that I've ever been so disappointed.

If you've noticed on FB...I've cancelled all future classes. I'm not sure how to go about this in the future. I was talking to some other Makers. I know I won't do a Beginning Class. If you want to learn...I will do a 1-on-1 class. Or up to a 3-on-1 class. But not another structured 4 week class.

As far as the other classes I had planned. I'm just not sure. I'm really not. I have 2 friends and a family member who really want to learn. So I've made arrangements. To meet them for a 2 hour individual classes.

If you want a lesson like that, leave me a message here or on FB. You can even email me at TCHCrochetClass@gmail.com. For now, that is what I'm going to try. See if things end up differently. More than anything, I'd like to be treated with the same respect, I give others.

I might try a Corner to Corner Class in the Fall. And maybe just charge a flat fee. Say $35. If weekly classes seem too much. I might just do 3 sessions. Biweekly. Class #1: Learn how to start and increase. Class #2: Learn to decrease. Class #3: Learn some edging. I'll probably have people sign up online...and pay that way as well. With a minimum of 5 students.

As much as I love to teach other people how to crochet, it also needs to be of some benefit to me. I mean the big box Craft Stores charge anywhere from $30-60 a class! So I'm not asking too much. Especially when some of their classes are 25 students. I also have a FB group and email, for my students to contact me later.

If you've gotten this far, great job! And I have a little deal for you. Once a month, I have Crochet Chats. I pick a place, and we meet up. Usually a restaurant, coffee shop, sometimes a store. And we crochet. Just bring your current WIP and come over. I've done this since January. Another one of those things, I used to do a long time ago.

Some months we have 20 people. Some months there are 2 of us. I pick a place that usually serves food. Because we usually meet at 6PM. It's usually the last Tuesday of the month. If you're interested...keep on eye on ourFB page. I'll start posting the events there.

Sorry for anyone that is disappointed in our classes. Or the fact that we have cancelled them. It makes my heart sad too. But join us for Crochet Chats. It really is nice to meet other Makers. ðŸ’•

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mid Summer...And I'm Stuck with What to Make

It's mid summer. Around here, our temps are averaging the mid 90s daily. And I can't even begin to think of cold weather items. I know! But it's been so hot! How do you crochet a blanket, sweater, or even a hat...when it's this hot?

I've been staying busy, testing a ton of patterns. And I'm really enjoying that. But I want to start stocking our shop. Before you know it, the Holiday Markets will be in full swing. And we all know what happens at that point. Crafters loose their minds. The twinkle of Christmas begins to escape you. And before you know it, you have 3 items left in your inventory. With 8 shows...in 2 weeks!

I'm one of those people, that crafts daily. I cut out patterns for my Mom. I crochet. I recreate a million things I see on TV or Pinterest. It's insane! I also fill totes with these items. There's one for every holiday, our Annual Dia De Los Muertos event, and gifts for family. These are totes that I fill. And don't necessarily take with us to the Market every week. But I know when September rolls around, I have a tote filled for Fall. Halloween costumes, pumpkin everything, and more scarves than I know what to do with.

Already our toys are down to a minimum. I'm about to cry. Because I just can't keep up. My big Rainbow blankets keep selling. Our baby items are the same way. I have a stack of new patterns that I'm dying to make. Instead I'm continuously trying to restock Cradle purses, mermaids, and photo props. I'm not complaining. We have such loyal customers. But I am looking for some inspiration...

I used to be a "professional' pattern tester. I'd get so excited to come home to a box of yarn, and a stack of patterns. Then when my Dad got sick...I just stopped. I know. But it happens. A year ago, I began doing it again. Slowly. Maybe once a month or so. But in the last 3 months, it's been at full speed. I probably make 3-5 items a week...testing for small designers. I love it! And it's been a much needed boost. I just needed to make my craft fun again. And getting to help other small shop owners has been a blessing!

But I'm still selling full time at the Markets. And I need to make stuff. But I just don't know what. Toys? Clothing? Household items? I think I'm second guessing myself, because we were Waitlisted at both Markets this year. Do I not make things that are interesting enough? Let me know.

What are some items that you make? Or that you are looking for. I'd love to know. It's hard to gauge if the new cardigan I'm loving...is something that will sell. Or should I be making a ton of those silly tacos I made last year? I think I'm just second guessing myself. After all, our business keeps growing. Regardless if we're at the Markets or not. Maybe our customers already know what they like.